We are proud of our passionate and experienced team…
Alex Gardner
Group COO
Alex joined the team at Affinity in 2015 and has over fifteen years experience working within the Trust and Corporate Services industry.
Alex has extensive experience across all of Affinity’s key sectors having worked on the administration of luxury asset structures for many years before more recently playing an integral role in the growth of Affinity’s E-Gaming and FinTech divisions.
As Group Director Alex is primarily responsible for strategic oversight with particular focus on overseeing the progression and development of Affinity across all its jurisdictions and business sectors.
Alex is full member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) and a qualified Certified Accounting Technician with the ACCA. A well known and respected member of the Isle of Man business community, Alex is a member of Isle of Man’s e-Gaming Strategic Advisory Board.
Alex loves to travel often and her favourite place so far is the Galapagos Islands.
“Working with such a strong likeminded leadership team enables us to support growth in all jurisdictions and sectors while the dedication and experience of our team allows us to continue offering a personable client experience. We are driving the Group from strength to strength and I personally look forward to being a big part of Affinity’s bright future. Having started from humble beginnings we are now taking the Group to the next level of growth and expansion.”